Destination Review: Iceland

If you want to get eye fucked go to Iceland. Volacanoes, wateralls, mountains, black sand beaches Most of Iceland is untouched so what you see or are stepping on is most likely exactly what the vikings 1,000 years ago saw and were stepping on. Can confirm everything you've read about Iceland is correct.

Food: 8.8
People: 9.8
Price: 5.0
Public transportation/getting around: 7.1
Litness: 7.1
Looks: 10.0
Vibes: 9.5
Solo travel: 7.1

Overall score: 8.05

My low score does not mean Iceland is a bad place and you shouldn't go. Quite the opposite. It is one of the most beautiful places on Earth but needs to be in a separate category because it is such a unique place. You're not coming here to party and visit monuments. You're here for the views and views they are. Plan it thoroughly and go with a group of people to reduce costs. Best way to do it is to go with some guys (or gals it's 2018) and rent a car since the island doesn't have public transportation outside of Reykjavik. 


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