Destination Review: Mallorca, Spain

I went to the Spanish island Mallorca in the Mediterranean for four days and it was awesome. It was my first time and I was completely blown away. It's difficult for a place to take my breath away because at the core all European cities are similar but Mallorca was just a completely different beast. It was the Pinterest beach search page come to life. Great food, culture and some of the most beautiful beaches/coves/lagoons on Earth. Crystal clear blue waters, fish swimming at your feet, rock cliffs, white sandy beaches. Absolutely amazing.

Food: 9.5
People: 9.5
Price: 9.3
Public transportation/getting around: 9.6
Litness: 9.5
Looks: 10.0
Vibes: 9.5
Solo travel: 8.6

Overall score: 9.43

Can't wait to go back.


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