Monthly country obsession: China

China. Fortune cookies, Yao Ming and Mulan. And pandas.

One day I was randomly just reflecting on the 20+ countries and countless cities I've visited not a big deal. Don't know how or don't know why but I was just like China sounds like a dope place to go. It hit me harder than Tom Wilson coming across the center line. China has the same appeal to me as Alaska, New Zealand and Iceland - it's just a mythical one-of-a kind beast. A certain mystique that draws you in and doesn't let go.

I am not a China expert. I think I know one or two random people who've been there. When you talk Asia with kids you meet on the road, it's all about Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, etc. so I've never had a long or detailed discussion about China. Subconsciously it's always been in the back of my head just because you read about China in the news or on television.

China looks absolutely WILD. China is a huge fucking country. You know that looking at a map but you don't fully understand until you actually take the time to stare at it. Absolutely massive. Huge country means there are so many places to go see and do. Of course you have the big cities like Beijing and Shanghai but also so many other smaller towns, incredible nature spots and less touristy stuff. I want to see of much of it as possible to gain a better understanding of the different cultures and ways of life. I guarantee someone's culture in Shanghai is completely different than someone's culture in Chengdu. Just like Alabama and California are different.

It's not expensive, there is so much to do, the food absolutely intrigues me and it's a place unlike any other. I'd love to spend one or two months exploring the country and leaving as a changed man.

See you soon, China.

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