Monthly country obsession: Iran

For the month of April, the top spot on my destination list was Iran. Yeah, the country with all the nuclear bombs and stuff. This story about Iran is going starts in the most likely of places, Iran. Just kidding it starts in the second most likely of places where most of my ideas happen, the shower. Just kidding again of course this story starts in Greece.

When I went to Athens in December I was fascinated. Not by Greece, but by Iran. Yeah I know it's really weird but here how that happened. Quite fascinating. I did a pub crawl with people in my hostel I met the night before. We all spoke French so we all just clicked. Unlike most of the pub crawls I have done, this one was through the Couchsurfing application. We met up with a bunch of other travelers near the city center and headed towards Technopolis. That is the party district of Athens and also the coolest name for a party district possibly of all time. A couple with us was dressed super sharp and just had the IT factor. They were gorgeous, both of them. It was a perfume billboard come to life. They made everyone else looks like hobos. Which is actually not very fair to the rest of us who attended because backpackers don't really bring nice clothes because comfort and durability are more important than looks but even if I brought my nicest clothes I still would've looked homeless.

We sat down at the first bar and everyone introduced themselves. They were from Iran. First time I've ever met anyone from there so immediately I give them even more attention. As if they needed more attention I mean they were probably going to a red carpet premiere after this. Throughout the night I talked to them and got to know more about their country. At the time I didn't know much except the capital is Tehran, the rivalry with USA, the kidnapped some American embassy people a few decades ago and nuclear stuff. Basically everything you see or hear about on the news.

Turns out its much more than that. I did so much Google research over the next few days and I was like I have to get myself there. Tehran is next to some amazing mountains, the culture is absolutely fascinating, the mosques are beautiful, and as I learned that night, so are the people. It's not mud houses, deserts, people riding camels and everyone wearing burkas. I know what this feels like because I'm from Oklahoma and everyone thinks I lived in a teepee and rode a horse to school. Iran is a modern, thriving country with plenty to offer.

What people think Iran looks like / Tatooine.

What Iran actually looks like.

Fast forward a few weeks later in December. I traveled around Italy with a friend of mine who is half Iranian. We talked a lot about Iran and how excited she was to go there during the summer. She told me about all the fun things to do, the cities, the culture, all the beautiful nature things to visit. Super legit firsthand sources. The idea was inside my head but now it was deeply ingrained in my head.

Since then, I keep seeing really cool Iran things everywhere. Reddit, travel lists, flight deals, travel friends I met visiting Iran, all that "sign" stuff. In April all I could think about was going to there. I will make it there soon. Flights to get there are a little more than I thought so it may have to be a stopover visit or just when I have a few weeks because I'd like to spend some time there. Iran is a huge country so there are plenty of things to do and see. 

This country is a place that gets a bad rap and rightly so on some things but it's not to the point to not visit (we're not talking about North Korea here). You can still go and have a wonderful life changing experience on one of earth's most unique countries. Just don't act like an idiot when you are there but then again that rule applies everywhere you go. See you soon Iran. Get more info on Google or Pinterest.

Alps??? Nope.

I'd sure love to drink a tea here.

Gohar Lake is lit y'all.

Could be in the Grand Canyon but it's not. 

Italy?? Nope.


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