I would probably be dead in a ditch somewhere if I didn't have these apps

Travel is WILD. It's unpredictable and uncertain. There are many times where I'm just like I can't believe I made it. Credit to me for making it. Luckily I have the greatest collection of apps ever assembled by man to help out no matter where I am.

So basically if I lost my phone or it got stolen I'd be very fucked. I can't imagine 20 years ago having to bring maps, a CD player, a huge camera in a backpack you need for several weeks. Travel harder not smarter? Travel smarter but harder? I don't know just get these apps.

It's exactly what it sounds like. Tinder is a great way to meet people local or international. Sometimes your hostel is dead but you want to go out and explore. If you meet up with a local they can show you some cool places and things that aren't on TripAdvisor. If you meet someone from another country well you have plenty to talk about and a place to stay whenever you go visit.

Google Maps
It's hard to ask for directions in Macedonian. You can save addresses, destinations and even entire city maps offline. You can easily navigate public transportation systems in every city.

A lot of traveling is sitting. Sitting on a bus, plane, train, boat, or other transportation device. Or when you're not riding them you're waiting. Waiting to get on them. I make my travel music playlists before I go and download it so I have it offline. Spotfiy does podcasts now and we all know I'm a big podcast guy.

Whatever airline I'm flying with
Finding somewhere to print when traveling is actually impossible. Might actually be the hardest task in the world. Finding a printer the night before at like 1 AM because you didn't think to print it in a city where you only know where the bars are should be its own show. Get the app so you can have a mobile boarding pass.

Possibly one of the greatest inventions in the history of man. Rome2Rio shows you have to get from one point to another. For example if I am in Madrid and need to get to Barcelona it will show me all the options (car, bus, train, etc.), the price and how long it will take me.

You meet a shit ton of people from all over the world when you travel. So you're going to get some weird country codes and strange cell phones. iMessage isn't going to be handle all that. WhatsApp allows you to connect with everyone and anyone that has a phone. So you can meet up at a bar with a hot Australian girl you met in your tour group. Sup.

This is basically long distance Uber. A fantastic application that gets you from one part of the country to another very cheaply since you can't always rely on public transportation (looking at you Spain).



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