New Netflix travel show looks wild

Every time I open Netflix there's a new trailer for something. Moms becoming bank robbers, Riverdale, stuff I skip over faster than Rick Pitino at a restaurant. However when I see something called Dark Tourist and a dude getting the shit kicked out of him by dudes in sticks, you have to check it out.

Some memorable quotes from the trailer: 

"You are going to get hurt tonight. You're gonna get drowned, you're gonna get buried."

"Someone is going to die tonight."

"I don't want you to be possessed."

What. The. Fuck. I've heard some weird shit while traveling but luckily I've never heard any of these. The show follows around David Farrier, a 35-year-old New Zealand journalist who travels around the world to experience "dark tourism". Now I've never heard the term "dark tourism" but according to the trailer its "people who choose to vacation in places associated with death and destruction." Still don't really know what it means but vacation basically means getting away from all that but of course we always have a few outliers so it'll be interesting to see exactly what this is. If they're making a documentary about dark tourism and putting it on the front page of Netflix it must be picking up some steam.

Whether or not this show is actually good remains to be seen but it's nice to finally get a travel show that goes outside the box and shows us a different aspect of traveling. Most travel shows look like boring, old, PBS shit that your grandma enjoys. Fun, exhilarating and unpredictable is what travel is and most shows fail to convey that. They don't show the experience and gritty side to things. Now to be clear, death and destruction doesn't mean gritty travel or what I've been up to but it seems more genuine about trying new things and experiencing cultures.

Time to find out why he's getting destroyed by men in sticks.


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