My favorite pictures from my travels (so far)

I'm no expert when it comes to photography but I'm not an idiot either. Fun fact I've sold a photograph before so I basically am an expert. Photographs are cool but the photograph becomes even more powerful when there is a story. And boy do you get stories when you travel on a regular basis.

In honor of my one year abroad I've selected my favorite photographs from my travels. Most may not be magazine worthy but the stories behind them are.

My very first travel picture. This was on a city tour in Valencia, Spain.

Even for a million dollars I couldn't tell you where this photo was taken. Here's why. The man on the left drove me and the guy on the right from Valencia to Madrid which is about five hours. For five hours we used google translate on his phone to communicate. He wanted to take me to a "real" Spanish place so he exited the highway in the middle of nowhere into this TINY village and we ate lunch here. Authentic as it gets and exactly why I love travel.

Not every place you go you'll connect with your hostel mates and have a great time. Me and the two blondes immediately connected because we all spoke French and had a great night on the town at this pub crawl in Madrid, Spain. We all still keep in touch and we're basically best friends. If you guys are reading this which I know you are because I told you to, I am still waiting for you to come visit me. Fun fact that weird girl in the yellow that you might have missed in the front totally boned the guy in red.

This was taken at some underground club in Barcelona, Spain. It was wild. At one point all these aliens on stilts came out with laser guns and drums it was nuts. That's my bestie Ashley. I just love this picture.

Not much to add here. A sunset in Budapest, Hungary doesn't need explanations.

This picture breaks my heart every time. This was taken on the Bulgaria/Macedonia border. The bus I was on stopped at some random rest stop for bathrooms and food. 4-5 dogs came up to us just sweet as can be. They are so many strays in this area. Such a good boy. Would pet again.

I went to Macedonia to visit Bryce and it was just such a memorable experience. Him and Emmy were such great hosts in Drugovo, Macedonia. Never in a million years did I ever think I'd be in Macedonia. Incredible.

What a wild day this was. 346.7 miles of hitchhiking. Three three strangers in three cars helped me get from Drugovo, Macedonia to Belgrade, Serbia. This is a story for another day.

Nothing like a classic old fashioned mustache off in Florence, Italy. I won the Instagram poll by the way.

This photo means a lot to me. Three kids a long way from home. One of those photos of what travel means to me. I met Nadia in Switzerland when she came over as my brother's guest. I met Corbin from Houston in Barcelona. We all met up in Rome, Italy for a night and it was an absolute blast. The best part about travel is meeting up with people in different places. We all still keep in touch.

Morocco was a tough trip for me. This was not one of my favorite places so I struggled but every night at the market in Marrakesh I could count on these guys at stand 97/56 to hook me up with everything I needed and more.

This was taken by a guy I'd love to see again, Chris Crusher. We actually stayed at the same hostel in Prague but didn't hang out but happened to meet up in Belgrade, Serbia. We went for a drink on top of a hill overlooking the city and had one of the best talks I've had while traveling. Talking about life, travel and everything in between. Sharing stories with a random person you might never see again is an incredible experience. Cheers, mate.

I've been in Switzerland for quite a bit and I think everything about Switzerland is summed up in this photo. This is in Leukerbad, Switzerland.

Iceland. Just pure happiness.


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